PMBOK(r)Guide第6版差分講座(PMBOK Guide 5th and 6th Edition Differences Course in English)


定価 6,600円(税込)


■講座案内(course information)■
PMBOK Guide第5版と、PMBOK Guide第6版の差分を示した講座です。
PMBOK Guideの変更点を知識エリア毎でレクチャーした後、練習問題を実施し、

This course is about the differences of the pmbok 5th and 6th edition, upon finishing each lesson of this course you are required to answer a short quiz which will help determine your understanding of the topics discussed, this course is composed of 4 lessons (about 25 minutes each) including a lesson about Agile Development.

◆対象者(Target Audience)
・既にPMBOK Guide第5版で学習をされており、PMBOK Guide第6版との差分を知りたい方
・Individuals who already studied the PMBOK®Guide 5th edition and wants to learn about the differences from the PMBOK®Guide 6th edition.
・Individuals who wants to prepare for the PMP Exam Which starts from March 26, 2018.
・Individuals who are already certified PMP® and wants to acquire PDU as continuing education.

◆講座概要(course outline)
【動画確認(Watch the video)】
there is also a PDF material which serves as a reference, it is advisable for you to open both of these materials while going through the lesson.
【テスト(Short Quiz)】

After each lesson you will be required to answer a short quiz.
【質疑応答(Questions & answer)】
We will respond to your questions via e-mail.

◆受講時間(Training hours)
3時間(3 hours)

◆講座価格(Tuition fee)
6,000円(税込・教材費含む)(Regular price 6,000 yen (tax excluded))

◆使用教材(Learning materials)
・オリジナルレジュメ(Original text materials in English)

◆PDUs(PDU Acquisition)
なお、これからPMP試験を受験される方はPDUsではなく3時間の学習証明(Contact hours)となります。
You can acquire 3 PDU’s (Technical Project Management) by completing all 4 of the quizzes, you must get 100% for each of the quizzes. You can re-take as many times as you like.
